Paul Turner

Partner – Clyde & Co
T: +44 (0) 20 7876 5000
What sort of clients do you advise?
Owners, builders and brokers.
How did you end up in superyacht law?
In the 1980s, I was press ganged into the sector by the senior partner of the law firm for which I was then working. I quickly realised that the work was interesting and enjoyable and (in those far away days) relatively under-lawyered.
What do you most like about your job?
The work and the parties involved are consistently interesting. The same comment does not apply to many of the other sectors in which business lawyers ply their trade.
What one piece of advice would you give to potential yacht buyers?
Don’t stray too far from rosemary.
Official biography
Paul is a senior member of the firm’s shipping, trade & energy group.
He has long experience of working with shipping and offshore companies, debt and equity financiers, shipyards and other industry participants on a wide range of significant asset and business acquisitions and disposals, joint ventures, construction and conversion projects, and complex operating and financing arrangements.
Particular areas of interest include the cruise shipping sector, the offshore and tanker sectors, and the mega yacht sector.
He is a general editor and co-author of “Ship Sale & Purchase”, a leading shipping law textbook.