Cool Route project is “targeting superyachts”

The EU-backed ‘Cool Route’ project is looking to establish a new bi-directional yachting route from Cork in the Republic of Ireland to Tomso in Western Norway. It is specifically targeting superyachts to sail on this route and reaching out to marine businesses to set up shop on the Cool Route.
The project bills itself as an ‘eco-tourism’ product to help strengthen business in the region. It has partnered with The Moffat Centre at Glasgow Caledonian University (GCU) and the Cork Institute of Technology to help market, research and establish the route.
Giancarlo Fedeli, principle investigator for the Cool Route at Glasgow Caledonian University, told Superyacht Investor: “Our core objective is to bring business opportunities to the regions on the route and we are targeting superyachts specifically. There is a growing trend of superyacht owners wanting to explore outside the Mediterranean and we have seen them moving north to explore there.
“We were targeting superyachts and the owners specifically from the beginning as they bring a lot of money to the regions.”
To help promote the route, a brochure targeting superyachts has been produced and distributed at industry events. The project is also reaching out to small and medium sized businesses (SMEs) to setup shop on one of the the 300 selected stopovers that the project has identified on the route.
“We have been developing this product to be marketable and to promote these locations to increase traffic, business and employment opportunities across these regions. There are about 300 selected stopovers that we have identified on the route, based on distance, with a maximum of 25 nautical mailes between and developing our facilities at those stopovers.” – added Giancarlo.